Grocer’s Store

Written by admin@herberton

February 2, 2021

Go back 100 years, what would you make your special someone using these pantry staples for Valentine’s Day?

A bit of history….

Grocery shopping was a busy business 100 years ago – all scooping and sizing and weighing and cutting. Many, many more food items were unpackaged and stored in large bags behind the counter.

The Grocer’s Store at the Historic Villager Herberton has some brands that have gone the distance – Bushels Tea and Cadbury’s Chocolate to name a couple. But others would be unfamiliar to most of today’s shoppers – Chinol Enamel or Lyons Coffee and Chicory Extract for starters.

Image by @careergypsy

Today we bring reusable bags from home to put our shopping in – in the 1880s customers would bring pages of old newspapers to wrap their eggs in. Also lining the shelves are domestic items from hurricane lamps to cast iron pots and kettles and pans.

Feature Image by @lifeontheoptionroad

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